nicholson boom-lab Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Ellen joined the BOOMLAB in 2020, and she is a PhD candidate in chemical oceanography in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program. Broadly, her research uses Biogeochemical Argo (BGC-Argo) floats to better understand carbon and oxygen cycling.

More specifically, her thesis work explores:

Ellen’s research also leverages the power of machine learning to help maximize the utility of observational datasets.

Before pursing her doctorate degree, Ellen completed her undergraduate degree at Cornell University (2020), where she received a B.S. in chemical engineering and a B.S. in earth and atmospheric sciences.

Running winkler oxygen samples aboard the USCGC _Healy_ in Baffin Bay. Photo by Chief Petty Officer Matt Masaschi
Running winkler oxygen samples aboard the USCGC Healy in Baffin Bay. Photo by Chief Petty Officer Matt Masaschi
Collecting _Sargassum_ during Leg 1 of the [2023 GO-SHIP A16N cruise]( Photo by Jeffrey Greeley
Collecting Sargassum during Leg 1 of the 2023 GO-SHIP A16N cruise. Photo by Jeffrey Greeley

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