nicholson boom-lab Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


BOOMLAB welcomes inquires from students and professionals interested in joining the group.

Prospective Postdocs

Please reach out if you are interested in joining Boomlab. WHOI accepts applications for Postdocoral Scholar Program each October. Reach out if you are interested in coordinating yoru application with our group. Project specific Postdoctoral positions also are periodically available and will be posted at careers@WHOI

Prospective Graduate Students

Should consider applying to the MIT/WHOI Joint Program. Potential students from historically underrepresented groups are particuarly encouraged to apply. Please be aware that admission into the Joint Program is very competitive. You are welcome to contact me and other faculty directly to discuss your research interests prior to applying. Since applicants to the Joint Program should also consider applying to external fellowships for support such as:

Prospective Undergraduates

Opportunities in our group are available through a number of undergraduate programs including the WHOI Summer Student Fellow Program and the Woods Hole Partnership in Education Program. In the past, undergraduates have also completed individual Guest Student appointments supported by their home institutions.

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