nicholson boom-lab Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Basic version control and collaboration with git

Basic version control and collaboration with git

Check out this website for a lot more detail and explanation!

clone a GitHub repository and start a new branch based on an existing one

  1. Navigate to the directory where you want to clone this repository. You can use the cd command to change directories.

  2. Clone the GitHub repository using the git clone command. Replace with the URL of the GitHub repository you want to clone.
    git clone
  3. Change your current directory to the cloned repository.
    cd n2o-py
  4. Check out the existing branch ckelly using the git checkout command.
    git checkout ckelly
  5. Create a new branch based on the existing “ckelly” branch using the git checkout -b command. Replace new-branch-name with the desired name for your new branch.
    git checkout -b new-branch-name

    You are now on the new branch. You can start making changes, committing them, and pushing them to the repository as needed.

  6. Make changes to your files using any text editor or IDE available on the cluster.

  7. Add your changes to the staging area using the git add command.
    git add --all
  8. Commit your changes using the git commit command.
    git commit -m "Your commit message here"
  9. Push the new branch to the GitHub repository using the git push command. Replace new-branch-name with the name of your new branch.
    git push origin new-branch-name

You have now successfully cloned a GitHub repository and started a new branch based on the existing branch ckelly. You can continue working on your branch and collaborate by pushing your changes to the repository.

stage, commit, and push changes

Replace branch-name with the name of your branch.

git add --all
git commit --all -m "your commit message here"
git push origin branch-name

view current local and remote branches

[colette.kelly@poseidon-l1 n2o-py]$ git branch -a
* ckelly
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

delete a branch

[colette.kelly@poseidon-l1 n2o-py]$ git branch -d branchname

switch to a different branch

[colette.kelly@poseidon-l1 n2o-py]$ git checkout dnich-floats
Switched to branch 'dnich-floats'

fetch latest changes from remote repository

[colette.kelly@poseidon-l2 n2o-py]$ git fetch origin
   ce5a8e4..055751d  master     -> origin/master

view changes on branch ckelly from the remote repository

[colette.kelly@poseidon-l1 n2o-py]$ git log --graph --oneline origin/ckelly
* 0db96ac include .env file in version control
*   2d42910 try making a commit after resolving conflicts
| * 41124ab Update environment.yml
* | 6c005ed test change
* | fce698e add model output for training on surface data only
* | 8a3411f add user-specific output directory to RF notebook

merge changes from branch ckelly into your branch

[colette.kelly@poseidon-l1 n2o-py]$ git merge origin/ckelly

create local ‘master’ branch to track changes on the remote master branch

[colette.kelly@poseidon-l2 n2o-py]$ git checkout master
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'master'
[colette.kelly@poseidon-l2 n2o-py]$ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.

check to make sure changes on remote master branch have been merged to local master branch

[colette.kelly@poseidon-l2 n2o-py]$ git merge origin/master
Already up-to-date.
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